Certificate of Thank You

thank you certificates

Thank You Certificate Template

Use any thank you certificate template free of charge to create a beautiful certificate of thank you as a token of your appreciation. Please see our certificate of appreciation templates which you might also find helpful.

Certificate Maker

Customize & Print

Thank you certificate of appreciation
Thank you certificate
Certificate of appreciation
Certificate of thanks
Certificate of thanks and appreciation
Free printable thank you certificates
Thank you teacher certificate
Certificate of appreciation for teachers
Teacher appreciation
Donor appreciation certificate
Pink flowers around border
Flower certificate
Floral certificate

Thank You Certificate Word

You can use the template with Microsoft Word. To do this, delete the text or download one of our flower borders. Open the Word document and click on insert -> image. Select the downloaded file and insert it into the document. Add the text and move it to the desired location.

Thank You Certificate Format

Each template has dummy text that you can edit. The format can be changed in any way. You can move the text, delete it or add more. If the sample format doesn’t work for you, then customize it until it does.

Thank You Certificate Wording

5 Samples

Certificate of Appreciation

Awarded to [name] for your continued support to the [cause name]. Your generous donations and unwavering support are highly valued.

Date ……………………………….

Signature ………………………..


Thank You!

This certificate is presented to [name] by [organization name] for his/her dedicated efforts in [type of work].

Awarded on …………………………

Signature …………………………….

Certificate of Appreciation

This certificate of appreciation is presented to [name] for your positive accomplishments and attitude towards our club. Thank You!

Date ……………………………….

Signature ………………………..


Thank You!

This certificate has been awarded to [name] for his/her ongoing contribution and continued dedication as a leader in strengthening our workplace and community. Your input is highly valued.

Awarded on …………………………

Signature …………………………….


Certificate of Appreciation

Presented to [name] on [date] for a generous donation to improve the welfare of children and physically challenged people in our community.

Date ……………………………….

Signature ………………………..

Uses for These Certificates

There are many uses for a certificate of thanks and appreciation such as:

Why Say Thank You?

“Thank you” is such a powerful expression. It means so much to the person you are thanking particularly if they need to hear it. It might even be for something that they are expected to do but it doesn’t mean that a thank you is not appreciated. This is a short talk, given by Dr. Laura Trice about the power of saying thank you. She talks about why we are hesitant to thank people and how important it is to actually say those words to as many people as you can. Thank your partner, your kids, your friends, and your colleagues. Thanks must be genuine but surely you have things to be thankful for. Since you are already on this page, why don’t you make a list of the people who you could and should thank and make a printable for each one?

Dr. Laura Trice also discusses why we are hesitant to say thank you and to let people know we would like them to thank us. The reason is that some people are afraid that it will make them more vulnerable. Take three minutes to listen to the talk and you will be happy you did. As she says, how can we ever have world peace when we don’t each worry about creating it in our small circles.